
Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Sharpie Fiero along side its' inspirations...

I Google searched 'Sharpie Fiero' and found several things... links to the video via a American Towns/Rockville website, a Fiero Forum, a Street Car Forum, a Bulgarian website, You Tube, and a nice little article written on an Examiner site. In this artilce, the Fiero is placed along side the Sharpie Lamborghini and the Sharpie BMW- the 2 biggest and most well know Sharpie cars to date as well as my inspirations for doing my own car. I wish i would have been contacted to give a little more info, but its all good. It's an honor to even be written about in the same article as the Lambo & Bmw. Here's the link to the short article:

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