
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sharpie Cadillac remembered...

I took a bunch of video clips and pictures of the Cadillac before i left Cali with the hopes of making a short video when i got back. I've been busy pushing sharpie art since then and never got the chance to finish it up. And since the Sharpie Fiero video came about, i thought it might be a good time to assemble the Cadillac video. A little bit of editing and a cool song later, the video's done. The Cadillac came out really cool... but it's not like the Fiero. The density, balance and style are quite different.


  1. Hey,
    my names Karolina i live up in jersey and i really wanna do the hood of my car like you did the caddy, fiero, and lambo. I have a 93 caddy and a 2010 caliber that im begging my father to let me do it. I do have a question. You do it completely in sharpie then put a few clear coats on it right?
    BTW your art work is amazing!! my art teacher loves it and wants her little camery like it (shes on the wild side). Can you give me a few "instructions" on how to exactly do this? Im an artist myself and would so love to drive around showing off my art just like you do.


  2. Thank you very much for the compliment. I'd be happy to give you any pointers and advice I can give on doing a task like this. There's definitly a lot that can be said... some useful and some not so useful, but anything you'd like to know- feel free to ask. Email me at when you get a chance!

