Sunday, May 8, 2016

Kustom 49 Ford Shoe Box & Ferrari F40 Original Art

It's been an awesome week this past week as my wife and I have been having profound conversations about some direction changes with artwork and our business as a whole. All good things, I promise- a lot of reflecting (which I highly recommend making time for). The really great thing about looking back at times is how it can help you look forward- in this case some of our new ideas are based on refining older ones. But I digress! Since we spent a lot of time talking about about art, I gave myself some space to create my own ideas every day this past week instead of what we had planned. The result was something in the neighborhood of 5 or 6 original pieces, 1 of which was a painting on canvas that I am really looking forward to sharing. Among the new artwork is the 2 drawings  above: the Kustom 49 Ford ShoeBox (done using pencils, ink, & gouache on 11x17 paper), and the Ferrari F40 Design Compilation (done using pencils & gouache on 11x17 paper)- both of which illustrate not only some of my favorite designs, but layouts and techniques I personally really enjoy. Out of all the artwork I made and shared this past week, these 2 are the only remaining available originals I have left- if you're interested in owning one of these original drawings please check them out at:

Or Email me at:

Have a great weekend! 

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