

Most of the work I do is commissioned work; From cars, to canvas, to surfboards, it all starts with an email. For inquiries regarding custom artwork work or any general questions, email me anytime:

We also love to hear from fans!


  1. I was wondering how you do the whole process on a car. I assume you tape it off, sand with like 600 grit, sharpie it with industrial sharpies, clear coat and buff. A few questions... What kind of clear do you recommend? Something that won't chemically react with the sharpie and will also have UV protection to keep the sharpie from fading. or do you use a clear wrap that have UV protection in it? I have a white '97 blazer than needs a bit of attitude. PS, you should make a step by step DVD and sell it :)

  2. Hey Chris Whats Good Bro this is Bone Crusher (Prez) Of The Black Jacket Cruizers hey we have some events comimg up would you like to come out and do what you do best hit me up check out our web hope all is well Bone Out
