
Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Sharpie Art on Canvas (Preview)

Yesterday I returned home from the art store with a fresh piece of 18"x24" Canvas to try out-  they were having a sale and I thought, why not? I've tried Sharpie on canvas a couple times in the past (several of which were earlier this year) and have been a little unconvinced that the 2 could work well together. At least to a level of which I could be really happy with and want to share. So I've approached this piece differently-  prepped different, and starting with a different type of canvas (since there are many types). I'm happy to say as a result, this piece has come out GREAT! I've been able to get tight line clearances, and do much more with finer lines then ever. It does pose it's challenges, but what fun is something without challenges? But my favorite part is that I could wrap the artwork around the edges continuing everything and giving it a more 'finished' feel. Hopefully this will discourage the use of frames on pieces like this.

I'm actually done with the piece and waiting for the camera to charge to take the final pics. And I don't like to give everything away in the preview, so only part of it is totally in focus  :)

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