
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Custom 65 Cadillac Coupe De Ville Rendering

I finally had some time to sit down and do something cool for myself. This time I decided I wanted to challenge myself with a few things- the ability to do a rendering start to finish non stop; the time it would take; the level I could achieve in that time; and just overall satisfaction with it. I was surprised at how determined I was, really. So I started super early and finished about 12 hours later. BAM- solid day. And I worked non-stop. Well, I stopped to make myself a pb & j at one point, but that was it. When I finally stepped back and looked at the clock and my drawing I felt pretty good. 12 hours seems like a lot, but that's alternating from pencil, to marker, to airbrush, to acrylic, and alternating between the 4 until I was satisfied. Each area that has gradations was carefully masked to keep outside areas clean of overspray from the airbrush. The drawing is about 14'' across, so that's a million tiny pieces of tape. And because I'm using the paper color as a show thru color for the rendering, mistakes are not allowed. As a result of careful masking, this is one of the sharpest cleanest drawings I've ever done, ever. The car itself is one of my favorites, and features some of what I would do if I owned one-  shaved door handles/ lock cylinders, lowered, red steelies, red interior, custom fender skirts, custom rear bumper, shaved emblems (since I feel that you don't need to be told what kind of car it is) ... all the way down to the pinstriped license plate. I think a lot of early to mid 60's cars don't need serious customization to be considered very cool. So all in all, this was a good test for me and I'm happy with the result. I do a lot of renderings now, but since I have to intermix them with my day job, the hours don't accumulate evenly- so this was my way of seeing what I could do if I was uninterrupted. I definitely think I can do better with more practice, but I'm still pretty happy with it.

The rendering style was inspired by one of my hero's:  Steve Stanford

Prints are available!

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